Sri Mulyani Accompanied President Jokowi To Review Vaccinations In The Financial Services Sector

JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani accompanied President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to review the implementation of vaccinations for banking and capital market players at the Indonesia Stock Exchange Building on Wednesday, March 31.

In her statement, the Minister of Finance said that the financial sector is one of the important elements in supporting the national economic recovery program. Therefore, the implementation of vaccination for actors in the financial sector is also a concern and priority of the government.

"This activity is the President's concern so that economic activity will soon recover, especially the financial sector, whether banking or the capital market is a priority for all of us", she said as quoted from the official website.

According to the Minister of Finance, the government hopes that all sectors will recover soon to support all economic improvements.

"So I hope that all my friends in the financial sector, be it banking, non-bank institutions, and also in the capital market will have confidence again because it will determine the future economic recovery", she said.

On the same occasion, President Jokowi revealed that the main drivers of the national economy are the consumption, investment, export-import, and banking sectors. According to the President, the capital market is a very important part of the movement of the Indonesian economy.

"This morning we conducted massive vaccinations in banks and the capital market, especially for those who deal with customers every day, face the community, be it customer service serving customers or tellers who also serve the community. This is what is given priority first", said the President.

With the implementation of this vaccination, the Head of State hopes that activities in the capital market and banking will be increasingly protected from the current pandemic outbreak. That way, all activities in the sector can run normally again.

"Even though they have received vaccines, all people must continue to strictly maintain health protocols and always apply the 5M in every daily activity", concluded President Jokowi.