BI Boss Opens Voice About Alleged Corruption Of CSR Funds Investigated By KPK
JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia (BI) has opened its voice regarding the investigation being carried out by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) which involved his party and the Financial Services Authority (OJK) in the alleged corruption in the use of corporate social responsibility (CSR) funds.
BI Governor Perry Warjiyo conveyed that Bank Indonesia as an institution that is well managed and upholds the legal principles that have provided the necessary information to the KPK in the investigation process.
"We emphasize that the processes we carry out in CSR are always based on existing governance, provisions, and procedures. The provisions, procedures, and governance that apply include two. Regarding the process and decision making," he said at a press conference, Wednesday, September 18.
Perry explained that the CSR or BI Social Program (PSBI) has strong governance with a tiered decision-making process.
In addition, Perry emphasized that CSR was carried out on several conditions, namely given to foundations not to individuals and must meet requirements such as legal institutions, the programs are clear and concrete.
"Then to determine the project, a survey and the foundation were also carried out after receiving and distributing it, using it, there were also accountability reports. So it is from the governance system for its day," he said.
Meanwhile, BI's CSR consists of three fields. Namely, the field of education by providing scholarships through universities that meet certain ratings. In addition, until now, 11,000 active recipients have been recorded and the total that has been given has reached hundreds of thousands.
Second, for the empowerment of foundations engaged in the economic sector of the community such as MSMEs in various regions. Third, a foundation engaged in social worship.
According to Perry, in making budget decisions, there are already standards for Scholarships, MSMEs, and social services programs and carried out in a board of governors meeting.
"For the implementation of the program, it is discussed through a committee called the PSBI forum, which consists of heads of work units at the center and in areas known by members of the board of governors of such fields, the implementation," he said.
"That the decision was taken by the board of governors only to determine the large allocation, in large numbers. Regarding the programs, it was discussed together from work units, central and regional units in the PSBI forum chaired by the ADG field and after that, the implementation was in each work unit," he added.