Capim Interview Process Highlighted By KPK: Limited Implementation And No Streaming

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said the interview process for candidate leaders held by the selection committee (pansel) was different from the previous period. One of them, the activity took place behind closed doors and attended by limited parties.

"We see that the implementation is different from the interview stages in the previous period," said KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardika to reporters at the KPK's Red and White building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Tuesday, September 17.

"If before the interview stage process is open, the interview in this period is carried out behind closed doors, attended by limited parties, and no media such as streaming is provided that allows people to witness the interview process firsthand," he continued.

The KPK regrets this condition, said Tessa. The interview process should be carried out openly and broadcast widely so that the public knows who will lead the anti-corruption commission in the future.

In addition, the KPK also highlighted that there were no official invitations to monitor the interview process. They need to know the background to the program of future leadership candidates and supervisory boards.

"So that in the future the KPK can provide input or assessment of the results of the interview process and can be considered by the Pansel at the next stage or input for the DPR during a fit and proper test," said the spokesman with the investigator's background.

Then, this presence is actually to ensure that the candidates have a policy direction that is in accordance with the roadmap or roadmap for eradicating corruption.

"Therefore, in order to maintain accountability for the implementation of the election of candidates for the KPK, we encourage the implementation of interviews with Capim and the KPK Council to be conducted openly and can be witnessed by the public through live broadcasts or streaming," he said.

"This is to show that the KPK Pansel carries out the KPK's Capim and Council selection process in an accountable and transparent manner," said Tessa.

Previously reported, the selection committee (pansel) held an interview for the KPK's capim for two days, namely 17-18 September 2024. A total of 20 KPK candidates will be tested by the former Chairman of the KPK 2003-2007 Taufiequrahman Ruki and also from civil society elements, namely Dadang Trisasongko from Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW).

Chairman of the Selection Committee (Pansel) Capim and the KPK Council Muhammad Yusuf Ateh said interviews of candidates for leadership would be conducted semi-open. However, live streaming is not provided to prevent participants from knowing the material for questions before their turn.

The Pansel only invited 40 civil society invited to see the anti-corruption commission's claim to explain its views.