Oppository Leader Gantz Calls PM Netanyahu's Plan To Fire Defense Minister Gallant Danger Israel's Security

JAKARTA - National Unity Chairman Benny Gantz accused Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of endangering national security, following reports he would replace Defense Minister Yoav Gallant with New Hope Party chairman Gideon Sa'ar.

In remarks at a conference on Tuesday, opposition leader Gantz denounced the reported agreement between Netanyahu and Sa'ar, accusing Netanyahu of "what Netanyahu is currently doing endangers Israel's security in the most concrete way I can remember ever being carried out by a prime minister during the war and in general," The Times of Israel reported September 17.

Replacing a defense minister before a possible military operation in a northern region that could potentially spread into a regional conflict constitutes a "security breach" and does so "to promote a law that will perpetuate exclusion from military service is also a moral waiver," Gantz said, underlining "human lives and the nation's future are at stake.

"This is a definition of a painful dictionary ofappropriation politics, at the expense of national security. When we joined an emergency government, we put aside politics after war, and now Netanyahu and Sa'ar are putting war aside, for the sake of politics," he criticized.

Gantz also criticized the government for announcements related to the cabinet's renewal of war goals in Gaza, by entering its fourth destination, "the return of the northern population safely to their homes."

The move was "half a year late" but "it's better to be late than never," Gantz said.

As previously reported, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu plans to sack Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, considering appointing Gideon Sa'ar preparing to fire Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and considering appointing New Hope Party leader Gideon Sa'ar instead, Kan reported as citing an official in the prime minister's bureau.

If that doesn't work, Sa'ar will likely accept filling in the pooling of Foreign Ministers, while Israel Katz takes over from the Gallant position, reports Channel 12.

He also claimed that Knesset members from New Hope Zeev Elkin and Sharren Haskel might be offered ministerial positions.

The Prime Minister's Office denied negotiations with Sa'ar, while a Sa'ar spokesman claimed there was no "new thing" in the matter.

PM Netanyahu's rumors of replacing Gallant have been circulating for months, with Sa'ar denying since early July he has accepted an offer that will bring him back to the coalition.