The Money From The Theft Of The Kendari-Toronipa Tourism Gate Facility Is Used By 7 Perpetrators For Gambling And Needs

Kendari Police have arrested seven perpetrators involved in the theft of the Kendari-Toronipa Tourism Road Gate facility, Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi.

Head of the Kendari Police Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Nirwan Fakaubun said the seven perpetrators arrested had the initials SA (23), AL (28), IK (20), MS (30), AS (31), FR (23).

"They were arrested for theft by weight," said Nirwan when releasing the case in Kendari, Antara, Tuesday, September 17.

Seven perpetrators each had duties when carrying out the theft at the Kendari-Toronipa Gate, starting from those guarding the gate to the executor who climbed and took the lights and gate cables.

"There are those who monitor below, then there are those who enter through the hole at the gate, and some climb up. Then when they go down there are also those who cut the cable pipe and some pull the cable," he said.

From the arrest, continued Nirwan, officers confiscated evidence in the form of three lights, two motorcycles, pipes, and cables.

"Which lights were sold to people who didn't know that they were stolen goods," said Nirwan.

Meanwhile, Kendari Police Chief AKP Andriyas Saroy added that based on the results of the interrogation, the proceeds from the sale of stolen goods were used to meet economic needs, so some used them to play online gambling.

"The total loss based on the victim's report amounted to Rp120 million," said Andriyas.

He said that based on the results of the investigation, his party found the possibility of a gang other than the seven perpetrators. Currently, his party is still pursuing elements who destroy and steal facilities at the gate.

Andriyas Saroy added that the perpetrators would be charged with Articles 363, 362, and 406 of the Criminal Code.