Highlighting Referee Controversy At PON XXI, DPR Asks Organizers To Be Completely Evaluated

JAKARTA - Commission X of the House of Representatives in charge of sports highlighted the referee's controversy in the match between Aceh versus Central Sulawesi at PON XXI. The DPR asked the organizers and other related parties to evaluate the total embarrassing events during the PON event, including the problem of consuming athletes who are also viral.

"As Deputy Chairman of Commission X of the DPR RI, of course, it is very regrettable and concerned about the situation that occurred in the match between Aceh and Central Sulawesi at the National Sports Week (PON) recently. Especially because big events such as PON should be an opportunity to find and develop talented athletes from all over Indonesia," said Deputy Chairman of Commission X DPR RI, Hetifah Sjaifudian, to reporters, Tuesday, September 17.

Hetifah emphasized that integrity and fair play are important in every sporting competition. Especially in big events like PON.

Hetifah assessed that incidents such as referee actions that were considered to be one-sided could undermine match integrity and be frustrating for players, officials, and spectators.

"Sports competitions colored by such controversy can indeed greatly influence public perceptions of fair play and professionalism in competition. This can also create big challenges in building trust and increasing football standards in Indonesia," he said.

Hetifah also emphasized the importance of efforts to ensure that every match is fair and transparent.

"It is important to ensure that every match is tried fairly and transparently, as well as to find solutions that can improve the monitoring and assessment system in sports in Indonesia," he continued.

Hetifah hopes that the organizers and related parties can immediately conduct a thorough evaluation of this incident. As well as ensuring that in the future, every sports competition in Indonesia will be held by upholding the principles of sportsmanship and justice.

Hetifah also hopes that all relevant parties can learn and be committed to improving the quality of Indonesian sports in the future, especially in terms of integrity and fair play.

"We at Commission X of the DPR RI are ready to support the efforts needed to improve the quality of organizing sports competitions in the country. This includes improving the quality and integrity of match equipment, so that sports in Indonesia can develop better and more professionally," said Hetifah.