US Bripka Who Ganged Up On Village Youth To Death In Riau Arrested, Threatened With Fire
RIAU - The Directorate of General Criminal Investigation of the Riau Regional Police arrested a US Bripka police officer suspected of being involved in a case of beating a young man with the initials J (31) in Kualu Hamlet, Kampar Regency, to death.
The Director of Criminal Investigation at the Riau Police, Kombes Asep Darmawan, confirmed that Bripka AS is not currently in his duties and is also not on duty to arrest criminals.
"He served at Yanma Riau Police and did this not according to police procedures," Asep said in his statement in Pekanbaru, Antara, Friday, September 13.
Currently, of the five suspected perpetrators of the beating, the police only arrested Bripka AS on Thursday. Meanwhile, four other perpetrators are still being chased.
"We are still searching for the four perpetrators who have not been caught," he said.
Head of Profession and Security Division of the Riau Police, Kombes Police Edwin L. Sengka added that Bripka AS will undergo further legal proceedings, both from the National Police and criminal agencies, regarding his actions that violate legal procedures and result in a person's death.
"We suspect this US perpetrator with the article leading to dishonorable dismissal (PTDH). We ensure that we will take firm action against anyone involved in this persecution, be it civilians or police officers," he said.
Head of Public Relations of the Riau Police, Police Commissioner Anom Karbianto, told that the incident began when Bripka AS was asked by one of his friends with the initials Y to help find his belongings which were allegedly stolen by victim J.
After knowing the whereabouts of the victim, Bripka AS and four other perpetrators came and immediately abused the victim.
"After the persecution at the scene of the first case, the suspects took the victim to an oil palm plantation about 15 minutes from the initial crime scene. In this place, the persecution continued until the victim was weak," said Kombes Anom.
After the victim was helpless, the suspects took J to his grandmother's house to look for the stolen items. However, due to the increasingly critical condition of the victim, they finally took the victim to the nearest clinic.
"The clinic stated that it was unable to handle the victim so J was then taken to the Sansani Hospital. After escorting the victim, the suspect immediately left him," he continued.