Want Heru Budi To Return To Acting Governor Of DKI, PKS: Because It Brings Peace

JAKARTA - Member of the PKS faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Khoirudin, revealed that his faction wanted Heru Budi Hartono to return to office as Governor of DKI Jakarta after his term of office ended on October 17, 2024.

Heru's leadership period ended after two years in office. Meanwhile, Jakarta must still be led by the Acting Governor until the Governor-Deputy Governor of Jakarta is elected from the results of the 2024 Pilkada inaugurated.

"PKS already has a name (proposed to be the next Acting Governor), namely Mr. Heru Budi Hartono," Khoirudin said in a short message, Thursday, September 12.

PKS is still looking for two other names that will be proposed in the future joint leadership meeting (rapimgab) of the DKI DPRD. Regarding the reasons for the proposal for Heru's name, PKS assessed that Jakarta's condition was peaceful as long as the Head of the Presidential Secretariat (Kaseptres) took the lead.

"His performance is good, bringing peace," said Khoirudin.

On Wednesday, September 11, the DKI Jakarta DPRD held a joint leadership meeting to propose the names of the candidates for acting (Pj) for the Governor of DKI Jakarta after Heru Budi Hartono's term ends on October 17.

In fact, in the meeting, every representative of a political party proposed three names of echelon I civil servants as candidates for the Acting Governor of DKI.

After that, the DPRD will again select three names from the most proposed party factions. The three names will be submitted to the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) to be selected by one of them by President Jokowi.

Apparently, almost all party factions in the DPRD have not yet determined their three names. Only the PDIP faction claimed to be ready to propose. PDIP wants to propose the names of Heru Budi and Regional Secretary of DKI Joko Agus Setyono.

The DPRD has actually received a letter from the Ministry of Home Affairs to propose a candidate for the Acting Governor of DKI since last September 2. However, considering that the members of the council for the 2024-2029 period have just taken office, Yani said that his party is still focused on implementing the orientation period of DPRD members.

"Yesterday from the DKI DPRD there was an orientation period for leaders and members of the DPRD. Because there was such an activity, we had not immediately held a meeting because they had to concentrate, provided with provisions on diversity," explained the chairman of the DKI DPRD temporarily, Achmad Yani.

Thus, the DKI DPRD decided to postpone the submission of proposals with a follow-up meeting held on Friday, September 13, or on the last day of the proposed name to the Ministry of Home Affairs.