The Stabbing Action Of Two Indomaret Employees Starting From Loans Borrowing Money
JAKARTA The stabbing case involving two Indomaret employees in Pecenongan, Gambir, Central Jakarta is said to have started with the joke of victim SY (21) against the perpetrator, SJ (23). However, it seems that the method of conveying the victim to the perpetrator is not appropriate, thus making SJ offended and hurt so that he plans to kill SY, his own colleague.
Gambir Metro Police Chief, Kompol Jamalinus Nababan said, from the results of the examination, SJ (23) admitted that he was hurt by SY's words (21). He said SY ordered SJ to do what he wanted, regarding the genitals that made the perpetrators feel annoyed.
The motive for the indecent words made by the victim began with the perpetrator joking with the victim. The perpetrator with the words joke asking for money from the victim. Then the victim took out indecent words against the perpetrator so that it offended him.
"So if you want money, here's my suction. I think so. It really hurt the perpetrator's heart, then the perpetrator was furious. Because the perpetrator knew that there was a knife used by the employee there, he took the knife and killed the victim," explained the Gambir Metro Police Chief, Kompol Jamalinus Nababan to reporters, Wednesday, September 11.
Prior to the murder incident, the perpetrator was transferred to the North Jakarta area as of September 1, 2024. This perpetrator came to his old workplace, namely the TKP, to take things and meet the victim. At that time there was an unpleasant conversation.
The conversation he meant was indecent words from the victim to the perpetrator who was sexual. Even though it is in a joke, these words ignite the perpetrator's emotions.
The action was planned by SJ, 30 minutes before the incident.
"After we conducted an initial check on CCTV that the perpetrator admitted to conditioning CCTV so as not to look at them. He had worked there so he really understood in that place," said Kompol Jamalinus.
In addition, SJ found out that there was a knife in the place. Without thinking, he immediately killed the victim who was working.
The victim tried to fight back but couldn't help it because he had been stabbed by the perpetrator. The victim died tragically with 7 stab wounds.
"Two stabs pointed to the chest, two in the side abdomen and three stabs in the back. Many stab wounds to confirm whether the victim had died or not," he said.
Kompol Jamalius said, when he committed the murder, the perpetrator was conscious and was not influenced by drugs or alcohol. The perpetrator also did not run away when he was arrested by the police.
"The results of the urine test were negative," he said.
As a result of his actions, the suspect was charged with Article 340 KUHO in conjunction with Article 338 of the Criminal Code with a maximum threat of life.