The Suspect Indomaret Employee Murder Has Been Working For 4 Years, Knows Only 3 Months Of Victims
JAKARTA SJ (23), a suspect in the murder of an Indomaret employee who worked in the same location as the victim, SY (21) in Pecenongan, Gambir, Central Jakarta for 3 months.
"Already knew the victim in Pecenongan since early June. It has been three months working with the victim in Pecenongan," said Gambir Metro Police Chief, Kompol Jamalinus Nababan to reporters, Wednesday, September 11.
Meanwhile, the perpetrators who have worked for 4 years as Indomaret employees are forced to take responsibility for their actions.
"He has worked 4 years in 4 stores," he said.
The motive for the indecent words made by the victim began with the perpetrator joking with the victim. The perpetrator with the words joke asking for money from the victim. Then the victim took out indecent words against the perpetrator so that it offended him.
"So if you want money, here's my suction. I think so. It really hurt the perpetrator's heart, then the perpetrator was furious. Because the perpetrator knew that there was a knife used by the employee there, he took the knife and did it", he said.
From the results of the examination, the perpetrator admitted that he had often received these words from the victim.
"However, the perpetrator's acceptance was inappropriate. It peaked that day, and the perpetrator could not stop himself until he was determined to stab the victim up to 7 stabs," he said.