Muhammadiyah Forms Two Companies To Manage Mining

JAKARTA - The head of the Muhammadiyah Mining Management Team, Muhadjir Effendy, conveyed the latest news regarding the management of mines by the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership (PP).

Muhadjir explained that currently the operation of the Muhammadiyah mine is still in the preparation stage and a team has been formed to handle the mining operations.

"The current mine has been formed by a team that I am the head of his team, but I am in that capacity not as a mining expert but as the head of the PP in charge of the economy," he said in Jakarta, September 11.

He explained that currently Muhammadiyah has formed two bodies to manage mines, including strategic companies that will function as holdings. While the second agency is an operational company or operating company that will involve experienced experts in the mining sector, including experts from Muhammadiyah itself.

"We have formed two bodies, there is a strategic corporation to become a strategic corporation, a company, I mean, a strategic company, then this one will become a holding company. Then there will be an operating company," he continued.

He added that in managing this mine, his party will also cooperate with five mining faculties from Muhammadiyah universities to conduct an initial survey related to mining management plans.

He also ensured that his party was not in a hurry to decide on the management of the mine.

"We will not be in a hurry to decide. If we accept it, yes, but we will prepare the institution in Muhammadiyah first," he said.

Muhadjir, who also serves as Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK), said Muhammadiyah was also preparing an institutional structure, including the establishment of a strategic company holding, as a business entity owned by Muhammadiyah.

Later the company will serve as an umbrella for mining activities, not directly under social organizations.

"This Operating will cooperate with the contractor, including those who conducted the initial survey to determine how feasibility is for mining until the planning business is really stable," he said.

Furthermore, Muhadjir said that his party is also still focusing on preparing and calculating the potential for human resources that will be utilized in the management of this mine.

Moreover. Muhammadiyah has 12 Vocational Schools majoring in mining engineering, 12 majoring in heavy equipment, 5 mining faculty, and 10 majoring in environmental engineering.

"I think we will calculate first, we will gather our strength first and then we will arrange it later," he said.