Together With The People To Create Agrarian Reform In Cianjur

JAKARTA - The Agrarian Reform Task Force (GTRA) together with the Cianjur Regency Land Office, the Cianjur District Attorney's Office, Forkopimda and the Land Bank Agency held a socialization of land distribution measurements at the HPL of the Land Bank Agency in Batulawang Village, Pataruman District, Cianjur Regency, West Java, Tuesday 10 September.

This activity was attended by approximately 1,000 people who were prospective recipients of agrarian reform above the HPL of the Land Bank Agency in Cianjur out of a total of 1,927 invited subjects and have been appointed by the Chairman of the Cianjur Regency GTRA, which in this case is chaired by the Regent of Cianjur.

Deputy for Utilization and Business Cooperation, Hakiki Sudrajat said, the Land Bank Agency as the trust holder of the government to maintain HPL in Cianjur, is committed to making arrangements while still paying attention to land spatial planning and residential houses located in the HPL area.

Hakiki also appreciated the public, Forkopimda, Cianjur Kantah and related stakeholders who helped create a conducive atmosphere in the socialization.

"So that the progress of implementation of the agrarian reform that has been mandated by the central government can be carried out immediately. The big goal of the central government and local governments is to prosper the economy in the HPL area. The Land Bank is located. God willing, the good intentions will get the blessings," Hakiki said in his remarks.

Landreform Director, Directorate General of Agrarian Arrangement of the Ministry of ATR/BPN, Rudi Rubijaya said, this socialization activity is one of the steps in accelerating the implementation of agrarian reforms in the Cianjur area, especially Batulawang Village and Rawabelut Village. Through the Land Bank Agency, said Rudi, the community will receive certainty of land rights and will also receive assistance in order to encourage the economic independence of the community.

"We want to ensure that the rights we provide also have an impact and are sustainable. They can be useful for later children and grandchildren," he said.

Therefore, Rudi invites the entire community, especially those who are subjects of agrarian reform to support the efforts of the central and regional governments through the Ministry of ATR/BPN.

"Sepat fish, snakehead fish. The sooner, the better. Don't be catfish, don't be long-winded. But big fish, the evidence must be complete. Let's complete the documents according to the provisions so that they can be sorted out immediately (agrarian reform)," he added.

Similarly, the Head of the Cianjur Land Office, Siti 'Aas' Hafsiah also asked for public support to create a conducive atmosphere in order to accelerate the implementation of agrarian reforms on the HPL of the Land Bank Agency. Aas also said that houses that are used as residences and are located on the HPL of the Land Bank Agency will remain at the existing location.

"So don't let there be confusing news. Moreover, use the language of eviction. So please ladies and gentlemen, if someone wants to ask, please ask. Don't conclude for yourself, don't listen to unclear news. Anyway, we are with the people to realize agrarian reform and soon if there are no obstacles, we will issue a certificate," explained Siti.

The head of the Cianjur District Attorney's Office, Kamin, who was also present on the occasion, guaranteed that all activities related to the land distribution process were free of charge.

"It is necessary to declare that all of this matter is free of charge. In this arrangement it is free of charge. If someone charges, please report it to me and I will process it. Whether it is in the form of extortion or the land mafia. What is clear is that this management is free of charge. But I beg you not to hinder (the measurement process)," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Regent as Chair of GTRA Cianjur, Herman Suherman hopes that the agrarian reform above the HPL of the Land Bank Agency can provide tremendous benefits for the economy of the people in Cianjur, both in Batulawang Village and in other areas.

"Congratulations and success, for almost finishing our work. Hopefully it will bring blessings to all of us. We Cianjur Regional Government will fight for the rights of the people. Then also that you are not finished here, we want to continue your struggle to meet the needs of your respective families. God willing, Cianjur will in the future maintain food security," concluded Herman.