Regarding The Phenomenon Of Members Of The Gadai SK Council, The Temporary Chairman Of The DKI DPRD: It's A Personal Right

JAKARTA - The interim chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Achmad Yani, responded to the phenomenon of elected DPRD members of the 2024 Legislative Election, which was busy promoting a decree (SK) as a member of the board to the bank after they were sworn in.

Yani assessed that the provision of office decrees is the personal right of each member of the council. There are also no rules that prohibit it

"In the rules, anyone citizen can borrow money from certain institutions, yes, to the bank. That is someone's personal right. It's only up to someone to use it or not," said Yani at the DKI Jakarta DPRD Building, Wednesday, September 11.

On the one hand, Yani admitted that he did not know whether there were members of the DKI Jakarta DPRD for the 2024-2029 period who participated in pawning the decree to the bank.

"I don't know about the provision of decrees yet. Yes, that's because it's private, I didn't ask about it," he said.

Menggadaikan SK atau tidak, Anggota Fraksi PKS DPRD DKI ini, berharap rekan anggota dewannya tidak terganggu fokusnya untuk menjalankan tugas pengawasan dan menyerap aspirasi masyarakat Jakarta.

"We from the interim leadership really hope that how the DKI Jakarta DPRD can run well. Well, what we do is DPRD work meetings, prepare for the formation of factions, then also the formation of board leaders, AKD (board equipment), and also discuss the orderly stage. This is the concentration now, "explained Yani.

The phenomenon of the proliferation of pawning Decree (SK) for the inauguration of legislative members at the DPR and DPRD levels is considered to trigger the emergence of corrupt behavior among the people's representatives.

The Coordinator of the Indonesian Voters Committee (TePI Indonesia), Jeiry Sumampow, revealed that the phenomenon of pawning SK for legislative members has often occurred after the election and inauguration. At least, there are two factors that encourage the people's representatives to pawn the decree to the bank, namely changing the standard of living and the high cost of advancing in the election.

"Maybe you should raise the standard of life to a level where the public perception of an official. For example, you have to have a car or something else. The high political costs are also a factor in pawning the decrees of the legislative members," he said, Sunday, September 8, 2024.

One of the rumors of the provision of SK was revealed in the Serang City DPRD, Banten. Secretary of the Serang City DPRD Ahmad Nuri said a number of banks had offered loans to members of the Serang City DPRD with a value ranging from Rp. 500 million to Rp. 1 billion during their term of office.

"The DPRD's decree as a loan guarantee to banks is a right for council members so that we cannot prohibit council members from pawning their decrees," he said, Thursday, September 5.

Until now, there are 10 members of the Serang City DPRD who have mortgaged their decrees to the bank for loans. However, he did not mention who the council members were.

"I don't memorize the nominal. Ask the bank who knows the nominal and the year is the bank. We only sign it," he said.