5 Health Problems That Are Vulnerable To Experience If You Have A Bad Body Posture
YOGYAKARTA Good posture, when the neck, middle back, and lower back near the hips do not bend. This means that the spine is parallel to the right and the head is raised high, as well as the shoulders, waist and hips are parallel above the knee. If you have a bad posture, you are prone to the following health problems.
Postur tubuh puat dapat mengakibatkan sistem komisi yang lambat. Ini membuat makanan bergerak lebih lambat dan diproses kurang efisien. Postur tubuh yang puat juga memberi tekanan pada tubuh sehingga terbukit dengan mulus dan refluks asam.
Bowing the pressure on the bladder. For someone who has experienced a weak pelvic floor, the pressure will increase. This causes more flexibility.
Not keeping the spine in the right position can cause imbalance in the body. This imbalance occurs in the lower back, hips, knees, neck, and related muscles. Experiencing this imbalance causes sensile pain and muscle.
The bones on the spine will continue to vibrate as the posture bends. This can burden the body's skeleton. Over time, it can make the spine fragile and prone to injury.
The back bends or the winding position makes the chest concave. This makes the lungs do not have free space to fully expand and fill with oxygen. Launching UCLA Health, Wednesday, September 11, having poor posture is prone to difficulty breathing.
Through an explanation of health problems that are prone to experiencing if you have a bad posture above, it is important to start training to improve your posture. Take the right sitting position when you have to work at work. Take time to stretch lightly and try to regularly exercise to reduce the risks above.