Influence Of Regional Head Elections And Democracy At The Local Level

YOGYAKARTA The election of regional heads is one of the efforts to maintain democracy. In practice, regional elections, even though they are part of democracy, have a positive impact on society. The influence of regional elections and democracy at the local level is in the realm of people's participation in choosing candidates for leaders in the future.

As part of democracy, Pilkada has a big role and benefit for the community. Some of the good things that can be felt from the existence of regional elections and democracy are as follows.

In the election of the head of the village, the people's voice must really be counted. No matter the background, economic level, even the intelligence they have, the people's voice is always counted as one. The implementation of the regional elections is one way to involve the people in regional development. They will be given full authority to choose which candidates are trusted to be able to bring change.

Pilkada is one way to move power through the people with a voting mechanism. This condition is one of the basic principles of democracy in carrying out state life. Democracy has been chosen as the basis for the founding fathers of the nation to ensure that Indonesia can stand.

As an important part of a country, the people must have the right to vote. This right is related to who and how an area or country will be carried out. Pilkada is one way for the state to give its voting rights to the people to determine who can regulate the area they live in.

In carrying out a government, efforts made must remain accountable and transparent. To achieve this requires the participation of the people, including in choosing regional heads. In addition, the people also have the right to hold accountable for the performance of the leaders they choose.

The elections that were carried out directly helped the people to evaluate the performance of the previous leaders. The people can evaluate their performance and then decide whether the leader is worthy to be elected in the next regional elections or not. This evaluation can be seen from the track records and programs offered, then compensated with the results of leadership of leaders in the previous era of office.

The impact of the regional elections that are felt is to prevent the dominance of state leadership. This means that a group cannot dominate a country through important leadership seats. The dominance of the group can be prevented by further regional head elections.

Pilkada also helps reduce potential conflicts at the regional level. This means that each region has the opportunity to express its aspirations through their leaders so that it is conveyed to the center of government. That way the conflicts between regions can be well suppressed.

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