Densus 88 Arrest 2 Suspected Bima Terrorists, One Of Them Is Amir JAD

JAKARTA - The National Police's Anti-terror Detachment 88 arrested two suspected terrorists of the Anshorut Daulah Congregation (JAD) Bima network, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

One of them is Amir or the leader of the group.

Head of the Public Relations Division (Kabag) of the National Police Public Relations Division, Kombes Erdi Adrimulan Chaniago, said the two suspects arrested had the initials LHM and DW.

"LHM plays Amir or a person who is chaired in the JAD group often gives Friday sermons with radical themes to the general public and members," Erdi said in his statement, Saturday, September 7.

Not only that, the LHM suspect also initiated to deploy members for physical scarcity activities and mobilize halaqo activities in Bima, West Sumbawa and Lombok Island.

Meanwhile, DW plays a role in the regeneration process. The suspect continued to carry out physical self-defense training, marine swimming in order to strengthen physically in preparation for acts of terror.

"Both of them followed the mass pledge to the Islamic State group and joined the JAD Bima group," he said.

The suspected DW terrorist was arrested on Jalan Gajah Mada, Penarega, Bima, at 08.55 WITA. Then, LHM was arrested in Pentol, Mpunda District, Bima, at around 09.09 WITA.

During the arrest, Densus 88 Polri confiscated a number of evidences, namely an air rifle and 15 books.