When Should Children Be Taken To The ER During Diarrhea? Check Symptoms Here
YOGYAKARTA Diarrhea is one of the health problems that often occurs in children. Although often harmless, diarrhea can be a worrying condition if it lasts too long or is accompanied by other serious symptoms. Therefore, it is important to know when children should be brought to the emergency room during diarrhea so that they can get the right treatment.
Quoted from Ai-Care, diarrhea is a condition in which consistency of feces or feces is too dilute and the frequency of defecation (BAB) is more frequent than usual.
Diarrhea is one of the health problems commonly encountered in Indonesia. According to the Information Center of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, diarrhea is an endemic disease with the potential for Extraordinary Events (KLB) which is often accompanied by death.
Basic Health Research Data in 2018, there are around 7 million cases of diarrhea throughout Indonesia, more often for infants and children.
In addition, in 2018 it was also known that there were 10 times a KLB of diarrhea spread across 8 different provinces.
Usually, diarrhea can recover within a few days. However, it can also cause complications. Immediately take the child to the Emergency Room (IGD) if symptoms appear like below:
Children affected by diarrhea and not recovering must be immediately taken to the ER or other health facilities in order to get proper treatment. If it is too late to be treated, the biggest complication of diarrhea is dehydration.
In mild dehydration, children can lose fluids. However, moderate-heavy dehydration can put pressure on the heart and lungs.
Some symptoms of diarrhea that can cause emergency conditions, even children's deaths, namely children looking lethargic, lazy to drink, concave eyes, skin tours (skin flexibility levels) are back very slowly, and a little urine comes out.
That's a review of when children should be taken to a doctor during diarrhea. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.