Ahmad Saripudin's Confession, The Husband Who Had The Heart To Kill His Wife's Life For Cheating For 4 Years
JAKARTA - The suspect, Ahmad Saripudin, admitted that he was annoyed with his wife, Febriana Fatmawati. Because he had an affair with another man. In fact, according to Ahmad, the affair has been going on for 4 years.
"Because the problem has been going on for a long time. I've been married for 8 years and it (cheating) has been going on for more than 4 years. And I continue to forgive my wife, until now I still do it too," Ahmad said when asked by the police before the media crew at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Friday, September 6.
Ahmad also admitted that he had no intention of committing this heinous act. However, because the victim was deemed to have gone too far, in the end Ahmad took action out of bounds.
"My motivation doesn't actually exist, just a glimpse of my mind," he said.
Currently Ahmad admits that he deeply regrets his actions. He admitted that he took this action out of control.
"My feeling, I really can't talk. Very sorry sir," he said.
Previously, the Head of Pasar Minggu Police, Kompol Anggiat Sinambela, said that before the stabbing took place. The victim and the perpetrator had an argument until the wife asked for a divorce.
Hearing this, the perpetrator got angry. The perpetrator took a knife and stabbed it into the victim's body many times.
"The victim also said that there were words that wanted a divorce, so the perpetrator was upset," he said.
The perpetrator was charged with Article 44 paragraph 3 of Law No. 23 of 2004 which carries a threat of 15 years in prison, or a maximum fine of Rp. 45 million.