Bluetooth Version 6.0 Officially Launched, There Is A Support Feature For Find My Solutions From Apple

JAKARTA The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) introduces the latest version of its short-range wireless technology, namely Bluetooth version 6.0. This latest specification presents features that have been refined.

There are many features added to Bluetooth version 6.0, from the Sounding feature, upgrades to the Isochronous Adaptation Layer (ISOAL), to the frame space update. Hopefully, all of these features can help developers build better apps.

"Thanks to Bluetooth community dedication and hard work, Bluetooth technology continues to develop to include more features and types of devices in order to realize our vision of a wireless world," Bluetooth said in a statement.

The first feature added to version 6.0 is Bluetooth Channel Sounding which is very useful for Apple's Find My solution. This innovation can bring distance awareness to make it easier for people to find lost items.

"Bluetooth Channel Sounding will add a strong layer of security, ensuring that only authorized users within a certain distance can unlock the door or access secure areas," Bluetooth said.

Next there is decision-based advertising filtering that helps the device scan package content received through the primary ad channel. This feature will increase the efficiency of scanning by reducing the time while scanning on the secondary channel.

Another feature Bluetooth adds is the ISOAL upgrade to transmit larger data frames in a smaller link layer package. This layer will ensure the time information required for data processing.

"ISOAL has been upgraded by defining a new mode of entanglement that reduces latency for very sensitive use cases to this problem. The same feature also improves reliability," Bluetooth explained.

There are still several other features Bluetooth adds to version 6.0, including tools to monitor advertisers, LL Extended Feature Set, and frame space updates. All features Bluetooth adds are proof of the technology trend that is always updated regularly.