Muhammadiyah: Tarawih Prayers Are Held In Each House

JAKARTA - The Muhammadiyah Central Management has issued a circular letter of guidance for worship during Ramadan in the emergency situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the points is regulating the implementation of the Tarawih prayers to be carried out in their respective homes.

Circular numbered 03/EDR/I.0/E/2021 was signed by General Chairman of Muhamamdiyah Haedar Nashir and General Secretary of Muhammadiyah Abdul Mu'ti.

The guidance letter explains that the fardhu prayer and tarawih prayer should be carried out in their respective homes if, in the neighborhood where they live, there are cases of COVID-19 transmission.

However, if there are no cases of COVID-19 transmission in the vicinity of residence, tarawih prayers can be carried out in mosques by implementing health protocols such as distance safety, wearing masks.

Then the mosque occupies only 30 percent of the capacity, so children or the elderly who have comorbid diseases are not recommended to participate in religious activities at the mosque.

"This is in the context of being vigilant and careful to avoid contracting COVID-19," said the circular, as quoted by Antara, Monday, March 29.

Likewise with the Eid prayer. If in the neighborhood around the house there are no cases of transmission, the community can carry it out in a small field or open space and still apply health protocols.

"Eid prayers for people in the vicinity of where they live where COVID-19 is transmitted at home," he wrote.

Apart from regulating prayer guidance, Muhammadiyah also does not recommend iftar activities, joint sahur, congregational tadarus, i'tikaf, and the like which involve many people and have the potential for infection.

"Especially for Muhammadiyah members and all institutions in the organization from the center to the branches, this guidance should be guided as a form of following organizational policy lines," he wrote.

Regarding vaccination during Ramadan, vaccination by injection can be done during fasting and does not cancel fasting. This is because the vaccine is not injected through the mouth or open body cavity and is not a filling food substance.

"As for what invalidates fasting is the activity of eating and drinking, that is, swallowing everything through the mouth into a large stomach, even if it tastes bad and is not delicious. Vaccine injection does not include eating or drinking," the circular said.