SMK Staff Of Insan Mulia Informatics Steal 10 School-Owned Laptops, 1 Unit Found The Rest Pawned

JAKARTA - A young man with the initials MIT (24) was arrested by the police for stealing a laptop belonging to SMK Insan Mulia Informatika, Cipayung, East Jakarta.

Cipayung Police Chief Kompol Dwi Susanto said the perpetrator was arrested at his hiding place in Depok, West Java.

"The perpetrator of MIT (24) was arrested by the Cipayung Police Criminal Investigation Unit on Tuesday, September 3 in the Depok City area," Dwi said when confirmed, Wednesday, September 4.

The arrest of the perpetrator was based on the police report number LP/B/85/VII/2024/SPKT/SEK CIPAYUNG/RES RJT/PMJ, which was reported by the complainant on August 16, 2024.

Perpetrator MIT (24) yang merupakan karyawan staf SMK Insan Mulia Informatika ini mengges 10 unit laptop berbagai merek, milik sekolah tempatnya bekerja.

From the hands of the perpetrators, the police secured evidence in the form of a gray HP brand laptop.

"Of the 10 laptops stolen, the police confiscated 1 laptop left from the perpetrator. Meanwhile, the 9 laptops were pawned by the perpetrators at the Pegadaian office in the Depok area," he said.

Currently, the perpetrator has been named a suspect and detained at the Cipayung Police Headquarters, East Jakarta. The perpetrator was charged with Article 362 of the Criminal Code sub-article 65 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 6 years in prison.