The Government Sets A Budget Of IDR 113 Trillion For Four Prabowo Mainstay Programs

JAKARTA - The government and the Budget Agency (Banggar) of the DPR have agreed on a budget of IDR 113 trillion at the ministry/institutional expenditure post (K/L) in the 2025 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget Draft (RAPBN) to realize the President-elected programs Prabowo Subianto in 2025.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said the additional budget would be given to each ministry/institution to run the Quick Win Program from Elected President Prabowo Subianto.

"Several quick wins programs that have been approved by the elected president are four things with indications of ministries/agencies that will execute them. This will be in the 2025 State Budget Law if it has been agreed by the DPR," he said in a working meeting with Banggar, Wednesday, September 4.

Sri Mulyani conveyed the first program, namely Free Nutrition Food of IDR 71 trillion. And second, Free Health Examination and Complete Hospital Development Quality in Regions of IDR 5 Trillion.

"The Ministry of Health has been approved by the President-elected a free health check program of IDR 3.2 trillion for various blood pressure, blood sugar checks, photos of X-rays, this screening with various equipment that has been installed in various health centers and regional hospitals," he explained.

Meanwhile, the construction of a complete hospital with a budget of Rp. 1.8 trillion is intended to increase type D hospitals to become type C hospitals.

"With the contents, namely facilities and infrastructure as well as medical equipment that will be equipped. So that the Ministry of Health will increase the budget later than yesterday with Rp3.2 trillion plus Rp1.8 trillion," he said.

Furthermore, Sri Mulyani said, third, namely the School Renovation Program where this program President-elect Prabowo requested that the budget be allocated of IDR 20 trillion which will be executed by the Ministry of PUPR.

"This is from the renovation of classrooms to furniture and washing facilities for schools, and the executor is the Ministry of PUPR. So that later the K/L PUPR budget will be added Rp20 trillion if approved by the Budget Agency and related commissions," he explained.

Sri Mulyani said that there was then an Integrated Superior School Program, where President-elect Prabowo asked for a budget allocated of IDR 2 trillion which would be executed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek) and the Ministry of Religion.

The fourth program is the Increase in Regional and Village National Food Barns by Rp. 15 trillion which will be executed by the Ministry of PUPR and the Ministry of Agriculture.

"This Rp7.5 trillion will be allocated to PUPR and Rp7.5 trillion for the Ministry of Agriculture, including conducting an intensification program for 80 thousand hectares and printing new fields to extensify 150 thousand hectares," he said.