Kominfo Receives 572 Thousand Complaints Related To Online Fraud Throughout 2017-2024

JAKARTA - Through the complaint service channel for the people of Cekrekening.id, the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology managed to record 572 thousand complaints related to fraud or online fraud throughout 2017-2024.

Deputy Minister of Communication and Information, Nezar Patria, said that fraud related to online buying and selling and fictitious investments is two types of online fraud that target the public the most.

"I think our digital ecosystem is struggling to be enthusiastic enough to welcome these new technologies. Of course, this technology brings many benefits in terms of efficiency and in terms of business," said Nezar at the VIDA Executive Summit 2024 event on Tuesday, September 3.

Nezar also mentioned that based on data from the National Cyber Security Index in 2023, Indonesia is ranked 49th in cybersecurity from 176 countries. Meanwhile, in the ASEAN region, Indonesia is ranked in the top five.

This data is then proven by BSSN or the National Cyber and Crypto Agency which records hundreds of millions of cyber attacks on Indonesia every year.

"In 2023 alone, 279 million cyber attacks were recorded. Meanwhile, compared to the previous year, cyber attacks against Indonesia have decreased by 24 percent," he said further.

Well, to keep the digital environment safe, the government through the Ministry of Communication and Informatics has compiled several regulations to protect Indonesia's digital space, such as Law No.1 of 2024 concerning Revision of the Second Law on Information and Electronic Transactions and Government Regulation No. 71 of 2019 concerning the Implementation of Electronic Systems and Transactions.

"Which is part of the Indonesian government's efforts to manage activities in electronics and digital to make it safer and more reliable," he concluded.