Google Launches More New Features To Support Elections In The US
JAKARTA - In the midst of preparations for the United States (US) to hold elections, Google announced that it had added election-related barriers to YouTube, Search, Google Play, and other AI products.
"Towards Election Day, we focus on providing high-quality and reliable information from nonpartisan organizations to the public," said Laurie Richardson, Vice President, Google's Trust & Security in his blog.
As for the restrictions made by Google, among others:
Search: As has been done in previous elections, Google launched a feature on Search that helps people across the US find official information about how they can register to vote, directly from the state's general election office, provided by Democracy Works. This feature will only be available to all users in the US
YouTube: In the coming weeks, while looking for a federal election candidate, an information panel may appear above the search results, highlighting candidate details, such as their political party, and links to Google Search. There may also be a link to the candidate's official channel.
While in the final weeks of the campaign, Google will feature a reminder of where and how to make a voice on the YouTube homepage.
Google Play: Google has just launched a new badge for apps originating from official government agencies. This will help direct people to reliable information, including for voting.
Gen AI product: To answer many questions related to the election at Gemini, Google will also provide a link that connects users directly to Google Search for the latest and most accurate information.