The Minister Of Communication And Information Expressed The Possibility Of Revision Of The Minister Of Communication And Informatics Regarding The Ojol Tariff

Responding to demonstrations from online motorcycle taxi drivers, Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi said there may be a revision related to the Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information (Permenkominfo) Number 1 of 2012.

"Certainly (the change of Permenkominfo), so this policy requires harmonization because once again this concerns the interests of ojol, its interests are applicators, and also the interests of all parties including the community," Budi said at the launch of the documentary APJII entitled Derang Online on Friday, August 30.

Because according to Budi, all aspirations from the public need to be heard and considered to create the best rules for ojol workers in Indonesia.

Budi also admitted that there were plans to meet with related parties, including the Ministries/Institutions involved, local governments (Pemda), and applicators involved.

"It's been (the meeting plan), in the near future we will continue to consolidate everything so that the harmonization can run," he added.

At different times, Director General of Post and Information Organization Wayan Toni Supriyanto also admitted that he had met directly with 8 ojol representatives who took part in the action, accompanying the Deputy Minister of Communication and Information Angga Raka Prabowo.

According to Wayan, the Deputy Minister of Communication and Information also listened to, listened to complaints and considered the aspirations of the representatives of the ojol demonstration which took place on Thursday, August 29.

However, Wayan has not been able to say what Kominfo will do in the future. Because according to him, Kominfo still needs to coordinate with all stakeholders involved.