Anies Baswedan Doesn't Advance In The 2024 Pilkada, Hasto: People Can See Who's Blocking

Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto said it was not his party that prevented Anies Baswedan from competing in the 2024 Pilkada. The people can assess the party by looking at who had interfered with the implementation of the democratic party from the start.

"Yes, the people can see who is trying to block Mr. Anies, yes, including that the first one does have the will to do something strange in the Pilkada," Hasto told reporters at the PDIP DPP Office, Menteng, Central Jakarta, quoted Friday, August 30.

Hasto believes that Anies supporters will understand this condition. "People know what is trying to prevent Mr. Anies, right, not from the PDI-P," he said.

"There is power that even the constitution wants to be violated, until then a power fort was created to surround the PDI-P, including Pak Anies," continued the former member of the DPR RI.

PDIP juga disebut Hasto telah berupaya membangun komunikasi dengan Anies yang terputus sejak 2015. Langkah ini dilakukan menjelang masa pendaftaran Pilkada 2024 ditutup.

Hasto ensured that the party bearing the bull symbol was actually open to the former governor of Jakarta. "So that Pak Anies' supporters understand who is hindering it and we make sure that it is not from the PDI-P, because the PDI-P is able to build constructive communication," he said.

"That's very important. So once again the people understand who is trying to create political barriers for the PDI-P and Pak Anies, they are the ones who have power," concluded Hasto.