In A Day, How Many Grams Of Sugar Is Safe For Consumption? Know The Size

JAKARTA - For those of you who have a healthy body, of course, require detailed consideration of the safe amount of sugar consumption every day. Importantly, this can control glucose intake in the blood and minimize the risk of suffering from type 2 diabetes.

Based on data reported by Medical News Today, Sunday, March 28, the average American consumes 71.14 grams or 17 teaspoons of sugar a day. Is this amount classified as safe for consumption with various types of drinks and food mixes?

In 1 gram of sugar contains 4 calories. The majority of each person a day requires 270 calories for energy sources. In general, the calories in sugar are considered 'empty calories' because they contain no nutrients other than glucose.

That means consuming too much sugar can increase the risk of obesity, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, liver, and porous teeth.

Based on recommendations from The American Heart Association (AHA), to reduce the unwanted risk, people need to limit sugar consumption. For women, it is recommended to consume sugar no more than 100 calories or 25 grams. To be exact, 6 teaspoons a day.

Whereas for men, limit sugar consumption to 150 calories a day or 38 grams in a size of 9 teaspoons. This measure includes the consumption of syrups, sweet foods, and includes sugar as a food spice consumed. For children aged 2 to 18 years, 25 grams or 6 teaspoons per day.

What about diabetics? Because the body has difficulty processing glucose effectively, it must control overall sugar intake. For the amount, depending on the level of the glycemic index in the body.

To determine how much sugar can be consumed, diabetics need to regularly check their blood glucose levels. This is done to ensure that the glycemic index in the blood is safe. Because of this, the size of each person's sugar intake will be different.

Diabetics must avoid added sugar. It is recommended to eat foods that contain lots of fiber and complex carbohydrates that are full of nutrients, of course, consumed in the right amount too.

Sugar itself can be divided into two, namely natural sugar and added sugar. Natural sugars are in fruits and vegetables that contain fructose. Meanwhile, added sugar is a sweetener that is made based on the chemical structure. Added sugar includes white sugar, brown sugar, coconut sugar, and syrup.