7 Maternity Portrait Of Patricia Gouw Who Is Sexy, Jokes Warganet: The Concept Of The Costume Is Lack Of Materials

YOGYAKARTA Patricia Gouw uploaded a fashionable portrait titled materality. This model of breaking up Asia's Next Top Model is the third trimester of pregnancy. In addition to uploading a series of portraits, a short video was uploaded by Daniel Bertoli's wife. Take a peek at Patricia Gouw's portrait materity, which is sexy to steal the focus of netizens.

The photoshoot, which showed the baby bump and was carried out by Patricia, was approved by her husband. Although the husband is reluctant to frame with his wife, the photo shoot is supported by the husband.

Wearing a black cloth collector, Patricia looks sexy and elegant. With accessories decorating the neck which also has a black nuance, in contrast to the skin color. Lighting is also arranged so that in contrast shadow emits a charming aura.

Patricia Gouw is an alumni of LaSalle College Indonesia. This is an international high school design. Patricia majored in Business Fashion. This is in line with what he is pursuing professionally after, namely the fashion world. In the upload above, Patricia wrote an introduction to her portrait, Baby bump but make it fashun. This means that making baby bump looks fashionable.

When pregnant, Patricia admitted that there were many changes in her body, even to give birth later. This does not make this model that is good at posing limited. Instead, he chose to embrace the physical changes he experienced.

The outfits worn were minimalist. But Patricia explained how the security of the perspective and technicality were during the photo shoot. The reason is, many netizens ask about how the photo shoot process is and do you still wear underwear. This also invites netizen comments to joke, she wrote, "What kind of material is the concept???? Kwkwkw".

Patricia Gouw explained that she felt what other pregnant women felt. Her face and feet and hands were also swollen at one time. Well, during the photo shoot, camera angle and pose, it is relied on to get a charming portrait.

Patricia Gouw uploaded viral releases with the hashtag belly dancing and pregnancy belly. Seen on his stomach with a funny cartoon. The image was made an hour before Patricia flight to Bangkok. With a picture on her stomach, Patricia dances to her stomach. Netizens wrote jokingly "Yesterday glam is now a funny".