Bahlil Wants To Form An Illegal Mining Task Force, Miners Ask To Investigate To A Reservoir

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Coal Mining Association is still waiting for the formation of a Law Enforcement Task Force (Gakkum Task Force) by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM).

Acting Director of the Indonesian Coal Sixbang Association (APBI-ICMA) Exekuti, Gita Mahyarani, said that so far her party has often written to the government asking the government to follow up on illegal mining practices or illegal mining.

"What is interesting is that the new minister (Bahlil Lahadalia) will have concrete steps. We are really looking forward to this, especially since we are looking forward to the Gakkum Task Force," he said in the Mining Zone quoted on Thursday, August 29.

When the Gakkum Task Force was formed, he asked that the order to determine goals related to the performance of the Gakum task force and the results that must be achieved so that the formation of this special team brings great benefits to good mining practices.

Previously, in 203 the government planned to form a Gakkum Task Force for 4 fields, namely illegal mining (illegal mining) with the Director General of Mineral and Coal as sector leading, illegal oil drilling (illegal drilling) with the Director General of Oil and Gas as sector leading, the Fuel Distribution Task Force with the Head of BPH Migas as sector leading, and the electricity theft task force with the Director General of Electricity as sector leading.

Gita said that every time there was illegal mining action, his party as an entrepreneur continued to take firm action by reporting it to the government but not long after it was followed up, illegal mining practices re-emerged.

He suspects that there is supply and demand that occurs in this illegal mining practice so that the same thing continues to emerge from time to time.

He asked the Gakkum Task Force not only to take action against illegal mining actors, but also to collectors.

"There are workers and collectors, so we hope that not only the small ones will be arrested, but who is behind it or who is the person behind it. How can this goods come out and sell it," he continued.

He also asked the government to take firm action by not only following up on the mining process level but also the long chain of mining practice.

"What we hope for the sustainability of this program is not to take the form of reports, actions, completion; but how this eradicates and there is progress," he concluded.