Ojol And Couriers In Jabodetabek Hold Actions At The State Palace Today, Here Are The Demands

JAKARTA - The online motorcycle taxi community (ojol) and couriers throughout Jabodetabek will hold a demonstration on Thursday 29 August. The action will be carried out starting from the Gojek office in Central Jakarta and the Grab office in South Jakarta to the State Palace.

"Several groups of online motorcycle taxi colleagues and local Jabodetabek couriers will carry out peaceful demonstrations with demands that will be expressed both to application companies and to the government," said Chairman of the Indonesian Guard Igun Wicaksono in his statement.

The action will convey some guidance to the government and application provider companies. This action will be followed by the ojol and courier masses carrying the name of the Indonesian Guard's Two-wheeled Online Transportation Driver Association followed by 500-1,000 people.

Furthermore, Igun assessed that the government has not been able to do much to fulfill the sense of justice and welfare of existing application company partners. This can be seen from the legal status of this ojol which is still illegal without legal standing in the form of law.

According to Igun, the masses who demanded a clear legal standing for these ojol drivers so that the company does not do what it wants to ojol partners and couriers.

"Without any solution from the platform and without being given strict sanctions by the government, this is what causes various protest movements from partners," said Igun.

Demonstrations will be carried out peacefully without any provocation from anywhere. This is in order to maintain joint order in order to achieve the purpose of peaceful action.

"The Association of Two-wheeled Transportation Drivers The Indonesian Guard respects and supports peaceful demonstrations while not causing a disturbance to the security and social order as a form of solidarity and similarity in the fate of ojol drivers who are increasingly depressed by application companies," said Igun.

Igun hopes that application companies can respect the expressation of opinions from their partners as a form of input that needs to be considered and the government can also conclude recurring problems in the online transportation ecosystem.