Jokes Bill Gates Becomes The President Of The United States To Handle COVID-19

JAKARTA - Billionaire and philanthropist Bill Gates expressed his desire to become President of the United States (US). He meant this in an effort to break the chain of the COVID-19 pandemic in Uncle Sam's country.

Gates expressed his desire in a live streaming interview with TED media curator, Chris Anderson. According to him, if he became president, it is not impossible that Gates will take quick steps to isolate America or in other terms lockdown for an indefinite period.

"The message is clear that we have no choice but to maintain this isolation and it will continue for a period of time. In the case of China, it is like six weeks, so we have to prepare for that and do very well," said Bill Gates to TED media curator, Chris Anderson.

According to Gates, if we isolate properly, in about 20 days, we will see the numbers of COVID-19 cases actually change or drop drastically. And this is what should be expected.

As president, Gates will also emphasize, “This is not going to be easy. We need a clear and unequivocal message. "

According to monitoring data by the New York Times, there are currently 179 million people in 18 states, 31 counties and 13 cities being urged to stay at home by the US government. However, Uncle Sam's country has not imposed lockdown or isolation until today.

Meanwhile, according to the Coronavirus Resource Center report from Johns Hopkins University, the number of new cases in the US will continue to increase. In comparison, China and South Korea have shown a flat curve, as shown in the graph. This means that the spread of COVID-19 in the country has drastically reduced.

In speaking of this, the owners of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have significant experience in fighting infectious diseases including malaria, HIV and polio.

But it seems that Gates has snickered US President Donald Trump when announcing that he wants American business to reopen by Easter, which is April 12.

“America will be back, and soon, will be open for business very soon, much sooner than the three or four months someone suggested. We cannot allow the healing to be worse than the problem itself. We can do two things at once, "Trump said in a press conference a few days ago, as quoted by CNBC International.

On the other hand, medical experts disagree with what Trump said, they say it is too early to reopen businesses and schools. Of course Trump's decision could have detrimental consequences for the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Clearly Trump is not rooted in reality," explained board member of the Infectious Diseases Society of America and staff member at Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago, Dr. Tina Tan.

Not to be missed, Gates also emphasized that in this situation, the government should prioritize total human health over money and the country's economic problems.

“It is tragic that this economic impact is so dramatic. Nothing like this has ever happened to the economy in our lifetime. But money, you know, bringing the economy back and making money, is more of a reversible thing than bringing people back to life. And so we are going to take pain in the economic dimension, the enormous pain of minimizing the pain of illness and the dimension of death, "emphasized Gates.