Former GAM Commander Promoted By PNA So Candidate For Governor Of The Aceh Pilkada

BANDA ACEH - The party created by the former Aceh Governor Irwandi Yusuf, namely the Aceh Nanggroe Party (PNA) declared support for former GAM Commander Muzakir Manaf alias Mualem and Fadhlullah (Dek Fad) as candidates for governor and deputy governor in the 2024 Aceh Pilkada.

"Today we declare carrying and supporting the Mualem-Dek Fad pair," said PNA DPP Secretary General Miswar Fuady in Banda Aceh, quoted by ANTARA Sunday, August 25.

Miswar said support for the Mualem-Dek Fad pair was based on the aspirations of PNA administrators and cadres throughout Aceh, as well as the decision of the General Chairperson of the PNA DPP Irwandi Yusuf.

"According to the direction of the General Chairperson of the PNA DPP, that currently we support the Mualem-Dek Fad pair as the candidate for governor and deputy governor candidate for Aceh," he said.

He conveyed his support to the Mualem-Dek Fad pair, also motivated by the Aceh Party and PNA, both established and raised by former GAM commanders.

"Mualem and Dek Dad are also former GAM combatants so that the emotional bond makes friends in the regions choose to support this couple," he said.

In addition to the former GAM commander, Dek Fad is also the chairman of the Aceh Gerindra Party DPD so that he will be in line with the elected President Prabowo Subianto.

Thus, PNA views that the advocacy of several Acehnese strategic policies will be easier to communicate to the central government thanks to the presence of Gerindra cadres as Acehnese leaders.

"Moreover, the Aceh Party is the winning party for the 2024 General Election. So, that is the consideration of PNA throughout Aceh agreeing to carry and support the Mualem-Dek Fad pair," said Miswar.

While attending the PNA declaration, Dek Fad thanked all levels of PNA DPP administrators for carrying them and supporting them.

He admitted that he often consulted with the General Chairperson and Secretary General of PNA to fight together to build a better Aceh in the future.

"Alhamdulillah, PNA support for us, once again we thank you thousand people to all ranks and the big PNA family," said Dek Fad.

Mualem and Irwandi Yusuf were both high-ranking GAM officials during the Aceh conflict several years ago. At that time, Mualem as GAM Commander and Irwandi Yusuf were known as GAM propaganda experts.