Commemorating The 79th Day Of Bhakti Postel, APJII Holds APJII 7th Annual Golf Tournament

JAKARTA - As a series of the 79th Bhakti Postel Day Commemoration (HBP), the Indonesian Internet Service Organizers Association (APJII) again held the 2024 APJII 7th Annual Golf Tournament, which took place at Pondok Indah Golf Course, Jakarta. Bhakti Postel Day itself is commemorated every September 27 to mark the takeover of the Head Office of Central Javaan Pos, Telegraphs, and Phones (PTT) by the Young Forces of Pos, Telegraphs, and Phones (AMPTT) from the power of the Government of Japan on September 27, 1945. This historic moment marks the beginning of the important role of the post and telecommunication sector in the development of an independent Indonesia,'' said APJII General Chair Muhammad Arif on Sunday, August 25 in his remarks. In addition to being a moment of friendship and part of the celebration of the 79th Bhakti Postel Day, Victor Irianto, Chairman of the APJII Committee for Annual Golf Tournament hopes that this year's tournament can continue to build good collaborations between all participants with the spirit of building the Indonesian telecommunications industry. On the other hand, Director General of Post and Informatics, Ministry of Communication and Informatics Wayn Toni was also present as a representative of the regulator from Kominfo.

"We are here representatives from Kominfo who are also present to celebrate 79th Bhakti Postel Day. Of course we hope that in the future (hopefully), + this Postel community will continue to grow with the current development of technology," Wayan said. Furthermore, as a regulator, Wayan also hopes that all companies engaged in Postel, logistics, and communication can survive and continue to grow to realize the 2045 Golden Indonesia Vision.