Rainwater Harvesting Installation Is An Effort Towards Mandiri Village Clean Water In Southeast Maluku

MALUKU - Clean water is a basic human need to meet the daily needs such as Minun, cooking and bathing. However, the limited clean water sources are still the main problems of the islands in Indonesia, as well as in the villages of Ohoi Rumadian and Ohoi Debut in Manyeuw District, Southeast Maluku.

People in the villages of Ohoi Rumadian and Ohoi Debut in Manyeuw District, Southeast Maluku have a water reservoir in the form of a pond whose water comes from a hill in the area. However, this clean water pond is located in a traditional village located in Ohoi Rumadian, so the people of Ohoi Debut cannot access it at any time like the people of Ohoi Rumadian.

The lack of clean water finally forced local residents to use lake water or rainwater to meet their daily needs.

Seeing this condition, the School of Real Community Empowerment Learning Learning from Gadjah Mada University (KKN-PPM UGM) in collaboration with Garuda Indonesia made simple technology to accommodate rainwater during the rainy season by utilizing the roof as a rain catchment.

This technology is called the GAMA RAINFILTER Rain Supply Installation (IPAH). This technology was built in the Ohoi Debut area, Manyeuw District, Southeast Maluku.

The student and person in charge of the GAMA RAINFILTER Rain Supply Installation (IPAH) project, Tisa Kavita Ratria Sari, said that IPAH GAMA RAINFILTER was present from complaints from people who were unable to access clean water for 24 hours like on the island of Java.

"We had a zoom meeting with the public about their complaints, what is needed here. One of the things that is needed is that the clean water here is not 24 hours. If in Java there is a PDAM, wells can also drill, right. If people only rely on one here, namely the water head," he said when met in Manyeuw District, Southeast Maluku, Sunday, August 25.

Tisa said the components for making IPAH GAMA RAINFILTER are easy to obtain and can be approved with goods in the area. There are five main components that must be met.

The components are 6 and 4-inch pipe, strimin wire for leaf sieve, 6-inch plastic ball for coarse particle sieve, foam for fine particle sieve, and water toren.

"For the 6-inch pipe, it can actually be replaced again using a 4-inch pipe. So the tool (6-inch pipe) has Intellectual Property Rights from my lecturer, it is not traded in 6-inch pipe-free. So the 6-inch pipe must be ordered first, we cooperate with Ruchika," he said.

Tisa explained that the maintenance of this rainwater harvesting installation is also quite easy and does not spend a lot of money.

"If the production cost is approximately Rp. 9 to Rp. 10 million (installation in public facilities), if maintenance is not expensive, it's easy. We have also brought a replacement filter for the next year," he said.

In the future, Tisa hopes that the people in Ohoi Rumadian and Ohoi Debut will be able to produce this rainwater harvesting installation independently and can be applied to their respective homes.

"We will distribute modules with complete content, how to use them, how to treat them, how to do it. So hopefully, residents can be independent, make them in their respective homes. Moreover, many people here already have torens, just put up pipes, just install clean water installations," explained Tisa.

For your information, the national airline Garuda Indonesia collaborated with the Real Working Lecture Group for Community Empowerment Learning from Gadjah Mada University (KKN-PPM UGM) to optimize the potential of Southeast Maluku.

Optimization of this potential is carried out through the Social and Environmental Responsibility Synergy Program (TJSL) entitled Festival Pesona Manyeuw 2024. The inauguration of the community service program was held at the Hoat Tamngil Ekotourism, Manyeuw District, Southeast Maluku, Saturday, August 24.

The collaboration program between Garuda Indonesia and UGM from June to August 2024 includes a revitalization program for drinking water and irrigation infrastructure (REVISION), training and developing MSME products, the Manyeuw Reading program, and the hatchling release program for the conservation of green turtle habitat.

Then, the coral reef rehabilitation program in the waters of the Ten Islands, the program of a thousand mangrove trees for Manyeuw, free health programs, the Manyeuw Semangat Eradication Stunting program, a thousand book program for Manyeuw, a rainwater harvesting installation program, and closed with the Pesona Manyeuw Festival program.

Photo caption:

First photo: Acting Regent of Southeast Maluku Regency Jamono together with Garuda Indonesia management inaugurated IPAH in Ohoi Debut, in Manyeuw District, Southeast Maluku/Mery Handayani