Anies Baswedan Approaching, PDIP Must Choose Electoral Or Ideological Factors And Cadreization

JAKARTA Political observer Burhanuddin Muhtadi considered that Anies Baswedan's arrival to the PDI-P DPD Jakarta as welcoming the challenge of Megawati Soekarnoputri during a speech in the announcement of the candidate for the second wave of regional heads a few days ago. According to him, so far Anies seems less active to approach political parties, especially PDI-P parties. Therefore, his presence at the DPD PDI-P Jakarta shows that Anies has a desire to be proposed as a candidate for governor in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada. And don't forget that the PDI-P has many options, not just Anies to be nominated. If Anies is to run as a governor, the only option is through the PDI-P and it must be shown by proactively going to the PDI-P, said Burhanuddin, Sunday 25 August 2024. Even so, there are still many things that must be considered by the PDI-P before deciding to carry Anies in the Jakarta Pilkada. First, from the political perspective, where Anies is in a position as a candidate who has been out of power who has had political similarities with the PDI-P. Second, judging from the perspective, Anies's electoral reasons are also ranked first in various survey results. However, continued Burhanuddin, from cadreization reasons, Anies clearly did not enter because PDI-P had many choices ranging from Ahok, Djarot Rano Karno and other names. Moreover, from the results of the SMRC survey and Political Indicators, despite the highest Anies electability, in the PDI-P constituent segment Anies was only chosen by 7 percent. Now, what considerations are the political reasons and the reasons for ideological and cadreligatory reasons. If the political and electoral side, of the PDI-P will certainly choose Anies. But if it is ideological and cadrederation, I think Anies is not an option for PDI-P,' he added. Burhanuddin stated, considering the recent situation and political conditions, the consideration of the need for the unification of the strength of the Plus KIM dominance could be a key factor in support of PDI-

This is because the PDI-P is now the only strength of the formal opposition and it is far from sufficient to provide a balance of power. While Anies' figure is a representation of opposition figures outside the government. "Well, for example, if the consideration is yes, Anies can be an option to be carried by the PDI-P, although there is still resistance at the grassroots level. Once again, a small number of victories in the Pilkada are talking about figures," he said.