North Korea Strengthens Fleet Capability After US Revised Nuclear Use Guidelines

JAKARTA - After the United States revised its nuclear strategy plan, North Korea on Saturday vowed to enhance the capabilities of its nuclear fleet. The New York Times earlier this week reported that US President Joe Biden approved a revision of the "Nuclear Use Guideline" in March.

The revision will focus on the increasing nuclear threat from China and the possibility of nuclear coordination by North Korea, China, and Russia.

The Biden approval comes amid the ever-increasing nuclear and North Korean missile threat, expansion of China's nuclear fleet, and the Russian nuclear threat.

A spokesman for the North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that his government would continue to increase its strength in all areas to deal with threats to security that could be posed by the revision of the US nuclear strategy.

He said North Korea would continue to build nuclear power to defend its territorial sovereignty and security, according to a report by North Korea's official news agency, KCNA.

The nuclear threat from the three countries is considered to be increasing recently. Russia continues to strengthen strategic cooperation with North Korea and China amid diplomatic isolation experienced by Moscow due to the war in Ukraine.

Quoted from ANTARA, Russia and North Korea signed a "comprehensive strategic partnership" agreement at a meeting of leaders of the two countries in June. Russia and China have also stepped up "without limits" partnerships.

On the other hand, the US has criticized China for its support for Russia's defense industry.