Andovi Da Lopez Receives Summons Prior To The Demo On The Pilkada Bill, Polda Metro: Hoaks, Will Be Investigated
Polda Metro Jaya stated that the summons received by content creators before participating in the demonstration against the Revision of the Regional Head Election Law (RUU) was untrue or a hoax.
The summons contained a request to come to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police. One of the content creators who received the letter was Andovi da Lopez.
"So far, if you look at the profile, from the language (call letter), that's certainly not true," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi to reporters Friday, August 23.
Ade explained that the correct summons would certainly not make the wrong task force. For example, if the Police sent the summons, then, the publisher was not the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.
"Because at the Polres level the name is not Bareskrim. When I asked to come to Bareskrim (from) Polres A. If the police are called Sat Reskrim," he said
"If it was issued by a police officer, it would definitely not be wrong in mentioning the name of the unit," continued Ade.
In addition, when referring to other aspects, said Ade, it should be suspected that the summons was just a fabrication. So, all parties are asked to be careful.
"Then the cellphone number is the same. Continue to use other people's accounts, other agencies, this must also be careful. So while we convey it is a hoax, be careful and please confirm it to the local police," he said.
Not only that, it was also conveyed that this matter would be investigated further. People who feel aggrieved are asked to report.
"Yes, it will be investigated later. For those who feel aggrieved, please (report)," said Ade.
Andovi da Lopez in his personal X account uploaded a video showing him receiving a summons via a short message application. He was asked to come to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.
In the letter, Andovi was referred to as the spreader of the call for violence during the demonstration against the Revision of the Pilkada Law (RUU).
"I was charged with spreading the call for violence, even though I have been hanging out here, encouraging my beloved DPR member who can meet very quickly," said Andovi.
"I got (messages) at 9.43 am. Guys to the Central Jakarta Criminal Investigation Unit, I didn't invite anything, it's peaceful here. It's just voiced anxiety here and friends," he continued.
Update situasi di depan Gedung DPR. Pagi pagi dapat whatsapp.
— Andovi da Lopez (@AndovidaLopez) August 22, 2024
Update the situation in front of the DPR Building. In the morning you get