Muflihun Orders Subdivision To Create A Memorandum Of Disbursement Of Funds

The Director of Criminal Investigation at the Riau Police, Nasriadi, stated that the former Acting Mayor of Pekanbaru Muflihun ordered the Head of the Verification Subdivision of Pekanbaru City Government, Edwin to make a memorandum of disbursement of funds (NPD) and network receipts.

Muflihun's confession was conveyed when the Riau Police carried out a further investigation into the alleged corruption of the fictitious SPPD on official travel at the Riau DPRD Secretariat in 2020-2021, Monday (19/8) yesterday.

At first, Muflihun denied ordering. However, after being faced with evidence by investigators in the form of orders via WA chat, finally Muflihun could not escape. Brother Muflihun also admitted that he ordered Edwin to make an NPD. One of them is worth Rp. 500 million to be handed over to Arif's brother, "said Nasriasi in a statement to the media crew, Wednesday, August 21.

In fact, according to Nasriadi, the Head of Subdivision of Edwin does not have the authority to manage official travel activities outside the region. Edwin's main task, according to him, is only to verify financial documents.

Most of the NPDs made by Sdr Edwin are not equipped with SPJ. Edwin only (destinated) to take funds without accountability. All done on the orders of Mr. Muflihun as Sekwan," he explained.

Nasriadi said that Muflihun had been questioned since 09.30 to 16.00 WIB. The Riau Police's Dirkrimsus then questioned him with 45 questions.

Previously, a number of Pekanbaru residents also urged the Riau Police to immediately establish the status of former Pekanbaru Mayor Muflihun in the alleged fictitious SPPD corruption case. Residents reasoned that the confession made by Muflihun should be an excuse for the Riau Police to immediately determine the status of a suspect.

This case raises a big polemic in the city of Pekanbaru. So so that it doesn't interfere with residents' activities and the conduciveness of the region, it should be resolved immediately. Set the status for Muflihun and anyone suspected of being involved," said a resident of the Limapuluh sub-district named Andi Saleh.