Pongki Barata Carry Synthe-Pop Music On Love Songs Album

JAKARTA - Pongki Barata has again experimented with different styles through an album titled Love Songs' which is present in the KFC CDigital format. The 46-year-old singer carries synth-pop for her ten reworked songs.

Meanwhile, the ten songs on this new album include When You're Not Here, I'm Not Your Choice, I'M Your Man Tonight, As Beautiful, Like What You're Asking, Never Regret, A Thousand Years, Nothing Eternal, and Sorry.

Pongki explained that almost all of the ten songs on the album Love Songs use synthesizer.

According to him, this method makes a new version of the songs presented that feel different and can no longer be compared to the previous version.

"The approach is so that I cannot be compared to the old version," said Pongki Barata at the launch of the Love Songs album in Kemang, South Jakarta on Thursday, August 22.

"For example, the version of As You Asked for from the late Chrisye, it's very beautiful by the original instrument Erwin Gutawa. In my version, it's really a synthesizer, so 'Oh, this is a different path'. So, those two versions still exist," he continued.

In addition, the synth-pop that is carried is considered to be more relevant to today's music lovers.

I want to give a new breath to these songs. With this approach, I hope listeners can rediscover the beauty of these songs in a more modern packaging," he said.

Pongki sang seven songs on this album, while the other three songs were performed by singers and other groups, namely Rio Febrian for One Thousand Years, Ka;Kei for No One Eternal', and Jemari Band for Sorry.

In the process of producing albums in collaboration with Hadir Entertainment and GMI Records, Pongki collaborated with his old friend Tommy Widodo as co-producer, as well as guitarist Aldy Kanda from Kanda Brothers.

Album production is carried out in four cities, namely basic and vocal recordings in Bali, improvement of music arrangements in Solo, editing music data and guitar filling in Jakarta, as well as mixing and mastering in Yogyakarta.