Many Infidelity Issues, Pratama Arhan's Wife Gives Clarification And Reports Slander Spreaders

JAKARTA - The Indonesian national team defender, Pratama Arhan, was recently hit by an unpleasant issue related to his marriage because his wife, Azizah Salsa, is suspected of having an affair. Regarding this news, Azizah finally appeared and clarified that her household with Arhan was fine.

This statement was revealed by Azizah through his Instagram Story on Wednesday, August 21, 2024. In the upload, Andre Rosiade's daughter said that her household and Arhan were in good condition amid rumors of an alleged affair that occurred.

"Thank you very much for all the attention and prayers that have been conveyed to me and my husband. Currently our household is in good condition," wrote Azizah.

Still in the same upload, Azizah then asked all parties not to spread false information regarding the rumors of infidelity. The woman who was born on October 21, 2003, also hopes that all parties will maintain their privacy with Arhan.

"We hope not to spread fake news or slander out there that doesn't match the facts."

"Please pray for the best for both of us and please give us privacy at this time. Sorry for the noise that has occurred. Thank you for the understanding," wrote Azizah.

Before his wife appeared with this clarification, Arhan first tried to reduce the rumors of his wife's affair by uploading a photo of his wedding. Moreover, both are known to have just celebrated their first wedding anniversary on Tuesday, August 20, 2024.

In addition to providing clarification, Azizah reported several social media accounts that spread the slander.

"Lami reported several social media accounts that spread slander and defame our client, sister Nurul Azizah. We ask that this case be immediately followed up by the Police."

"There are many accounts that spread slander, but we are currently eliminating them. Especially the main accounts that make threads or many posts that are a reference for other social media accounts to update their status," said Egambarthadinata as Azizah's lawyer.

The report was also received by Bareskrim Polri with the number LP Number: STTL/292/VIII/2024/BARESKRIM.

The accounts spreading slander are suspected of violating Article 45 Paragraph (4) Juncto Article 27A of Law No. 1 of 2024 concerning the Second Amendment to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) and/or Article 310 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 311 of the Criminal Code.

Apart from that, Arhan is currently in South Korea and must undergo a long distance margin (LDM) with his wife. The reason is that the Indonesian national team defender is currently playing for the South Korean club, Suwon FC.

On the other hand, the news of the affair that dragged Arhan's name raises concerns in the eyes of football lovers in the country. The reason is, they are afraid that Arhan's performance will decline due to this situation.

The problem is, Arhan is confirmed to be back in the Indonesian national team squad for the 2026 World Cup Qualification. This was revealed by the Chairman of the PSSI National Team, Sumardji on Thursday, August 22, 2024.

The nearest Indonesian national team will face Saudi Arabia and Australia on September 5 and 10, 2024.