Ukraine Attacks Kursk, Dmitry Medvedev: No Negotiations Until The Enemy Is Defeated

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said Moscow would not hold negotiations until Ukraine was defeated, following the attack on Kursk.

"Everything went smoothly after neo-Nazi carried out this act of terrorism against the Kursk Region. Vacant talks about extraordinary peace by unauthorized mediators have ended. Now, everyone understands - although no one has said it publicly - there will be no negotiations until the enemy is completely defeated., "wrote the former Russian President on Telegram, reported by TASS on August 22.

Ukraine launched cross-border attacks by deploying troops, tanks and armored vehicles to Russia's Kursk region on August 6.

"In my view, the risk - although theoretically - our country stuck in negotiations at some point, is already clearly visible," Medvedev said, adding he spoke of "prematurous and unnecessary peace negotiations proposed by the international community, imposed on the Kiev regime."

He also questioned the prospect of the negotiations, or what results it could produce.

Moscow said the Ukrainian attack on Kursk would not have occurred without any help from the West. Meanwhile, the West said Kyiv did not notify or coordinate about the attack.