National Nutrition Agency Receives State Budget Of IDR 71 Trillion, Faisal Basri: Take It From Other Institutional Ministrys

JAKARTA - Senior Economist Indef Faisal Basri suspects that the National Nutrition Agency's budget of IDR 71 trillion was obtained from the budget ceiling of a number of ministries or institutions (k/l) which were cut in the 2025 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (ABPN).

Faisal assessed that the National Nutrition Agency's budget was obtained from k/l related to food, such as the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) of the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) and the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN).

Because, according to him, the upcoming government will have difficulty disbursing a new budget to form the institution.

"Where does the money come from if the new budget is IDR 71 trillion. Right, the budget is not there. From debt again?," said Faisal on the agenda of 'Reviu RAPBN 2025 Insisting on Debt!' in Jakarta, Wednesday, August 21.

In addition, Faisal assessed that the formation of the National Nutrition Agency would also cut the budget for the development of the State Capital (IKN) in 2025.

"So, take it from other (k/l) or relocation from IKN," he said.

For your information, the National Nutrition Agency received a budget allocation for the 2025 work program worth IDR 71 trillion, sourced from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).

The newly formed institution's budget is also superior to several other ministries/agencies.

There are two technical ministries that are actually important, but the spending ceiling is less than the Nutrition Agency.

The two are the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) which was given Rp53.2 trillion or decreased from Outlook 2024 amounting to Rp67.4 trillion and the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) which received Rp24.8 trillion or a decrease of Rp14.1 trillion from Rp38.9 trillion.

Head of the National Nutrition Agency Dadan Hindayana said the budget was aimed at supporting the achievement of the target of the golden generation to dealing with stunting problems.

"Meanwhile, it is still IDR 71 trillion," said Dadan Hindayana when asked about the allocation of funds for the National Nutrition Agency at the Jakarta Presidential Palace Complex, reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 20.

When asked about the achievement of the stunting target, Dadan ensured that his party had prepared a strategy so that this goal could be realized.

"All operational aspects will also get the attention of the existing budget," he said.