DPR Baleg Meeting On Revision Of Regional Head Election Law, F-PDIP Calls Draft Documents Printed And On Different Screens

JAKARTA - Member of the PDI-P faction (F-PDIP) TB Hasanuddin said the plenary meeting of the Legislative Body (Baleg) of the DPR which discussed the revision of the Pilkada Law (RUU) was very short. According to him, there were irregularities in the meeting. He explained that the draft Pilkada Bill that was broadcast on the screen was different from the draft documents printed and distributed to members of the DPR meeting participants. "I repeat again, what was broadcast was not in accordance with the Constitutional Court decision. Once printed, different," Hasanuddin told the media crew at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Wednesday, August 21. After that, he said, F-PDIP will hold a meeting to discuss the results of the DPR Baleg meeting because the meeting did not provide many opportunities for the factions to convey their views. "We will continue our struggle to encourage democracy in Indonesia to run according to the rules," he said. Previously, the Legislative Council of the Republic of Indonesia agreed on a list of problem inventory (DIM) of revisions of the Pilkada Law regarding the minimum age limit for regional head candidates to run for regional elections. to refer to the decision of the Supreme Court calculated since the inauguration. "Agree with reference to the decision of the Supreme Court, yes?" asked Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Council of the Republic of Indonesia Achmad Baidowi alias Awiek while chairing the Working Committee meeting (Panja) on the revision of the Pilkada Law at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, today.

Rumusan DIM nomor 72 yang disetujui Panja RUU Pilkada itu berbunyi: "d. berusia paling rendah 30 tahun untuk calon gubernur dan calon wakil gubernur, serta 25 tahun untuk calon bupati dan calon wakil bupati serta calon wali kota dan calon wakil wali kota terhitung sejak pelantikan pasangan terpilih."Pembahasan DIM tersebut diwarnai dengan perdebatan fraksi atas putusan mana yang menjadi rujukan aturan, apakah putusan MA ataukah putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 70/PUU-XXII/2024 yang mematok batas usia minimum calon kepala daerah dihitung sejak penetapan pasangan calon.