Teacher Of Content Maker Siswi SMPN 2 Kerambitan Tabanan Berdalih Gets Permission From Student Parents

TABANAN - A teacher of SMPN 2 Kerambitan, Tabanan, Bali, who makes video content and photos of sensual poses with the objects of underage students claiming to have obtained permission from parents of students.

"The person concerned said that using the children in junior high school was with the permission of their parents," said Head of the Tabanan Education Office (Disdik) I Gusti Ngurah Darma Utama in Tabanan as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 21.

It is known that the owner of the Nangkale Instagram account who uploaded inappropriate content was managed personally by a cultural arts teacher named I Wayan Putra Ivantara.

Disdik Tabanan admits that this law violates, but if it is related to the permission to create content, in fact, the parents of the students have given permission.

Not wanting to immediately believe, Ngurah Darma plans to visit SMPN 2 Kerambitan on Thursday (22/8) tomorrow to confirm the truth of permission from parents of students.

From his meeting with teachers and the school, Ngurah Darma received information that the teacher's personal account was used as a space to accommodate students' creativity without any element of profit seeking.

Even the teacher admitted that most of the content was made at the request of the students, so he only accommodated it.

"From the results of our confirmation with the teacher concerned, it actually happens with the coordination of teachers and students, sometimes it is more often students who ask to make story ideas, movement ideas," he said.

Disdik Tabanan regretted this condition, especially since many criticisms finally came in, considering that there were no rules regarding dress at educational institutions in Bali.

"Several criticisms, for example, dress. For how to dress at school, there are already regulations for Permendikbudristek Number 50 of 2022 and there the size of clothing is not included in only the shape and color of clothing, from that form, perhaps the highlight of skirts and clothes that highlight aurat," he said.

The school then denied the claim that many of its students wore uniforms that had been purchased since class VII and used 2-3 years so that there was no intention of highlighting body shape.

After the summons this morning (21/8), the teacher submitted a statement to the Tabanan Education Office containing his personal confession of the account, the account did not benefit, if any of the money sponsors were channeled to the school's journalistic treasury.

Furthermore, the teacher conveyed the account to develop children's creativity, content is the idea of students and he only accommodates, and has received permission from parents of students.

It is known that the actions of the teacher who made this femaleobjek sexual for the first time went viral through the social media link X nad3tte, which has now been viewed 2.7 million times.