JAI Groups Who Believe There Are Still Prophets After Muhammad In Central Kalimantan Are Strictly Supervised By Kesbangpol

PULang PISAU - Kepala Kesatuan Bangsa dan Politik (Kesbangpol) Kabupaten Pulang Pisau, Kalimantan Tengah, Sugondo mengungkapkan, pihaknya tetap mengawasi keberadaan kelompok Jemlah Ahmadiyah Indonesia (JAI) yang masih ada di kabupaten setempat.“ the number is not much. From the existing data of the JAI group in this district, there are 10 families with 33 people,” said Sugondo at Pulang Pisau, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, August 20.According to Sugondo, JAI has been designated by the government as a deviant sect. One of them is this sect of belief and belief that there are still other prophets after the Prophet Muhammad SAW.This group lives as a community, this group also believes in hadith who believes that there is a prophet who is said to be Imam Mahdi has gone down.Kesbangpol together with the supervision of the local Community Belief Flow (Pakem), explained Sugondo, every year continue to monitor the development of this JAI group, which in their life they worship with their own mosques and do not want to join other mosques.According to him, the existence of JAI whose confidence flow was deemed deviant was previously included in the local district around 2012. In national data, the existence of this group is ranked 410 districts/cities throughout Indonesia.“ Although the number in the local district is relatively small, it is different from areas such as Kapuas which are larger in number. The existence of this group continues to be monitored so that it does not develop and becomes a problem in life in society, ” said Sugondo.Monitoring continues to be carried out for early detection so that its existence does not cause disturbances to Kamtibmas from trust flow groups that have been deemed deviant by the government.
“ Not only the JAI group, but there are other groups of beliefs that are considered to have deviant teachings in the district and continue to be monitored, Sugondo said.