Commission II Of The House Of Representatives Will Study The Constitutional Court's Decision Which Changes The Threshold On Regional Head Election Nomination Requirements

JAKARTA - Commission II of the DPR will study the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) which amends the threshold rules for nominating regional heads in the regional elections. Chairman of Commission II of the DPR, Ahmad Doli Kurnia, assessed that the Constitutional Court's decision was a surprise ahead of the 2024 Pilkada registration time on August 27 at the KPU.

"For me, for the umpteenth time the decision of the Constitutional Court has always been a surprise. We only have about a week left from registration, suddenly new policies. We both know that the decision of the Constitutional Court is final and binding," said Doli on the sidelines of Golkar National Conference at JCC, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, August 20.

The head of the government commission said that his party immediately coordinated with the KPU as the election organizer to explore the Constitutional Court's decision.

"Well, I have directly coordinated with the chairman of the KPU. Now, what we are seeing now is this news, there is a very basic change, so and the calculation of almost all parties in the region can nominate their own partner. Moreover, what is calculated is not from the population, but from the number of DPT. Of course, this will change back from a political perspective. will change political constalation. But the problem is whether in the remaining seven days it will be good or not. That's why we will study it later, "explained Doli.

Doli said that Commission II of the DPR had scheduled the discussion of three PKPU designs and 2 draft Bawaslu Regulations on Monday, August 26. Previously, he said, Commission II of the DPR and election organizers would hold a consignment to discuss the agenda.

"Well, we will discuss this material later in the consignment on Saturday. Hopefully on Monday there will be a decision. If you look at the regulations, our laws and regulations, this decision will be stated in the PKPU," said the Deputy of the Golkar Party.