Vero Study Reveals The Influence Of AI Technology In Journalistic Practices In Southeast Asia

JAKARTA - A study entitled AI and Journalism in Southeast Asia: A Survey of Opportunities and Challenges from strategic communication consultant Vero, reveals how AI affects and changes the practice of journalism in Southeast Asia.

Conducted on 75 journalists spread across Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, this study found that journalists were increasingly realizing the important role AI plays in its work, and felt the need to deepen their understanding of this technology.

"The influence of AI on journalism is not limited to automation, this technology also plays an important role in increasing accuracy, speed, and making more comprehensive reports," said Raphael Lachkar, COO Vero in the report.

The important findings in this study are that 95 percent of journalists in Indonesia and Thailand have a deep understanding of AI. Thailand also shows an AI adaptation rate of 95 percent, signaling effective integration in their work.

In addition, in the Philippines, 90 percent of journalists already know AI, but only 52 percent of journalists have integrated it into their work.

Meanwhile, in Vietnam, although 78 percent of journalists are familiar with AI, studies have found that 100 percent of journalists show a positive attitude towards AI's impact adaptation in their work.

Furthermore, journalists also expressed their concerns about AI, including governance issues, the impact on labor, and cybersecurity issues, especially in Thailand, where there are concerns about excessive dependence on AI could affect quality and trust in journalism.

"In Vietnam, enthusiasm for AI is accompanied by deep attention to data privacy and strict security measures," added Lachkar.