Just Serving, Bahlil Ordered Echelon I Headquartered At The Ministry Of Energy And Mineral Resources Building

JAKARTA - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Bahlil Lahadalia ordered all Echelon I officials of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to have an office at the Secretariat General Building (Sekjen) of ESDM Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan.

This is intended so that he and Echelon I officials can coordinate more easily.

"For the Director General, I announce here to look for meeting rooms here. Not each. Of course this is from Mr. Arifin's blessing (Tasrif). The spirit is still running Mr. Arifin, I think my senior is a good person, I beg you not to have other additional movements outside the rules," Bahlil said in his remarks at the handover ceremony at the ESDM Ministry Building, Monday, August 19.

The reason, said Bahlil, was that during the remaining term of office of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet, which had only 2 months left, he had a number of homework that still had to be completed while serving as Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Bahlil admitted that he was assigned by President Joko Widodo and Elected President Prabowo Subianto for the remaining two months.

"Earlier, I asked him in the morning, ( Bahlil's job) was to continue what Mr. JOKIN had done regarding the optimization of increasing our oil lifting of idle wells that had been given by SKK Migas," he continued.

In this regard, Bahlil also asked the President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati to hold in-depth talks regarding oil lifting which continues to decline while fuel consumption continues to increase over time so as to increase the number of imports of fuel from abroad.

"So Ibu Dirut Pertamina, ini kita harus bicara detail karena lifting kita turun terus turun, konsumsi naik, impor terus, barang kita ada," sambung Bahlil.

Bahlil also emphasized that he would continue what the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources had previously done, Arifin Tasrif, while fixing a number of existing problems.

"I am Papuan. I must be a different style official. So I apologize if the two months don't get offended if my voice is loud. But his heart is soft," he said.