In The Context Of Enlivening The 79th Anniversary Of The Republic Of Indonesia, The Riau Police Holds A Red And White Helmet Design Contest
JAKARTA - In commemoration of the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, the Directorate of Traffic (Ditlantas) of the Riau Police held a red and white helmet design competition and a safety riding parade, Saturday, August 17.
The competition for the design of red and white helmets and the safety riding parade was initiated directly by the Riau Police Chief, Inspector General Mohammad Iqbal to celebrate Independence Day as well as a traffic safety campaign or safety trading.
"This activity is a direct idea from the Riau Police Chief in order to enliven the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia as well as the implementation of the decade of action activities and the national public plan for driving safety. By focusing on the safety of motorists," explained the Director of Traffic of the Riau Police, Kombes Taufiq Lukman in a written statement received by VOI.
It is said, there were about 2110 participants who participated in this event, of which 479 participants participated in this event in the Riau Capital, Pekanbaru. "There were about 2,110 participants where 479 participants carried out it in Pekanbaru, while the rest participated in similar activities at 12 Polres simultaneously on the same day. So that in total there were 2,110 participants for all Riau," he said.
Taufiq revealed that participants from the design of the red and white helmet consisted of the online motorcycle community, the motorcycle community, individuals, students, and other non-community communities. Where since registration was first opened, the enthusiasm of the participants was extraordinary.
In Pekanbaru City, parades and convoys were held with starting points at Samsat Pekanbaru City, Jalan Gajah Mada. Then the participants toured Pekanbaru City wearing a red and white design helmet which was included in the competition.