Jessica Will Undergo Guidance At East Jakarta/North Jakarta Fathers Until 2032

JAKARTA - Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) DKI Jakarta, R. Andika Dwi Prasetya said, Jessica Kumala Wongso officially became a client at the Class 1 Penitentiary (Bapas) East Jakarta-North Jakarta, East Jakarta.“Alhamdulillah, already from Prison, Prosecutor's Office and Fathers. Today Jessica is registered as a client of the East Jakarta-North Jakarta Fathers, ” Andika told reporters at the East Jakarta-North Class 1 Fathers, Sunday, August 18.Andika said that Jessica would be trained at the East-North Jakarta Class 1 Fathers until 2032. This is done to improve Jessica's behavior." “ Will carry out the process of intermigration coaching, namely guidance by Bapas until the deadline is set, namely 2032. In the future, all conditions, all parents' programs, ” he said.Meanwhile, Jessica's lawyer, Otto Hasibuan, said that today his client was declared conditional free after conducting administrative management at the East Jakarta Prosecutor's Office (Kejari Jaktim) and the East-North Jakarta Class 1 Fathers.
"So today, thank God, Jessica is now a free person but of course because this is a conditional release, of course, Jessica will follow the existing rules determined by the prison," he said.